Biogas Solutions Research Center


Who are we?

The Biogas Solutions Research Center is a competence center aimed at strengthening society's ability to realize the significant sustainability potential of biogas solutions. We achieve this by collaboratively developing new knowledge with various stakeholders that is relevant and of high scientific quality. We contribute to raising the level of knowledge among businesses, public organizations, and academia through networking and communication. Do you want to join us on this journey? Get in touch.

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A sustainable society requires the presence of biogas solutions, and the Nordic model for biogas addresses challenging waste problems while providing us with renewable nutrients, energy, and raw materials. Cities, rural areas, regions, and corporate value chains all have needs for the products and services of biogas. Our research focuses on the conditions for and societal impacts of biogas, production systems, biogas processes, as well as market and utilization of the solutions' products.

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Why biogas?

There are wet organic waste materials such as sorted food waste, waste from slaughterhouses and dairies, as well as manure and residual products from agriculture that are not suitable for any other treatment. At the same time, there is a significant need for renewable gas, especially for transportation and industrial use to replace fossil energy carriers. Additionally, there is another significant need to replace fossil mineral fertilizers in agriculture, where biogas digestate from biogas plants fits perfectly with its renewable plant nutrients.

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A collaboration between Sweden's biogas actors with special support from

Linköpings universitet Svenska lantbruks universitetet Energimyndigheten See more partners and members

Who are we?

The Biogas Solutions Research Center is a competence center aimed at strengthening society's ability to realize the significant sustainability potential of biogas solutions. We achieve this by collaboratively developing new knowledge with various stakeholders that is relevant and of high scientific quality. We contribute to raising the level of knowledge among businesses, public organizations, and academia through networking and communication. Do you want to join us on this journey? Get in touch.

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Research on Biogas Solutions

A sustainable society requires the presence of biogas solutions, and the Nordic model for biogas addresses challenging waste problems while providing us with renewable nutrients, energy, and raw materials. Cities, rural areas, regions, and corporate value chains all have needs for the products and services of biogas. Our research focuses on the conditions for and societal impacts of biogas, production systems, biogas processes, as well as market and utilization of the solutions' products.

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Why Biogas?

Biogas addresses several challenges simultaneously.

There are wet organic waste materials such as sorted food waste, waste from slaughterhouses and dairies, as well as manure and residual products from agriculture that are not suitable for any other treatment. At the same time, there is a significant need for renewable gas, especially for transportation and industrial use to replace fossil energy carriers. Additionally, there is another significant need to replace fossil mineral fertilizers in agriculture, where biogas digestate from biogas plants fits perfectly with its renewable plant nutrients.

Biogas solutions thus elevate some of the toughest wastes to renewable energy and plant nutrients. In this way, several problems are solved simultaneously, leading to the growth of green jobs, strengthened food and energy security, and improved local and regional environments. In other words, biogas solutions contribute to enhanced sustainability, whether in cities and regions or in the bioeconomy.

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